One week studying on the best project of your life: yourself. In this week you will learn some strong techniques to enhance your personal fulfilment leading you to personal growth. You will be coached by inspiring professionals, who will share their knowledge with empathy and caring.

Imagine spending a few days away, in a pristine alpine environment, during which you would learn tools to quiet your mind, boost your self-confidence and get the positive momentum you need to move forward.
Imagine combining a daily yoga practice with powerful personal development sessions, leading toward greater harmony and clarity as well as giving you the courage to take actions.
Imagine being guided by inspiring and caring teachers, helping you to find the discipline and the confidence to take this wellbeing routine back into your everyday life.
These couple of days that you will have spent nourishing yourself physically and mentally, mean that when you will go back to your family or to your workplace, you will have something positive to offer to the world.

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