One week studying with leading botanical illustrators, observing, sketching and painting the local seasonal flora.
The intensive study time at the desk will be balanced with some easy hikes and visits of botanical points of interest to discover the beauty of the alpine nature.

Imagine a forest of spruce, larch, cembra pine and mountain pine revealing their fiery tones of autumn or a sweet summer morning during the flowering time admiring the garland-patterned swards.
Imagine a walk through this unique Alpine environment, observing and contemplating the local flora in it's natural habitat, eventually finding the perfect specimen for your art.
Imagine being guided by a top botanical artist, who not only teaches you the technique but shares his or her passion for nature, for plants, for observation, for colours, for textures, for art.
This is more than a painting holiday, it goes beyond gaining painting skills, it's about connecting to everything that is good, balanced and part of the cylce of life.

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